An 8 minute video on End-of-Life issues for carers and end-of-life decisions from the Catholic point of view.
607-535-2786 (phone)
607-535-2990 (fax)
Office Hours: 9-5 M-Th
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 289,
Watkins Glen, NY, 14891
St. Mary's of the Lake
905 N. Decatur St,
Watkins Glen NY
St. Benedict's Church
304 Speedway,
Odessa NY
Mass Times:
5:00 pm Saturday at St. Benedict's Church,
8:00 am and 10:00 am on Sunday at St. Mary's.
Confession Times:
Confessions are heard from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays at St. Benedict's or by scheduling an appointment for confession with the priest at a more convenient time for you. Please call the parish office to make such an appointment.
The Parish Office

905 N. Decatur Street